Mental Health Sites

  • Anxiety Social Net  is one of my favourite interactive mental health sites. The guys who run it are working really hard to incorporate a fantastic therapist program, and now have a page of blogs written by members (including myself!). If you want to connect with other people who also suffer anxiety, then do check it out - it's kind of like a facebook, but smaller and more private.
  • Depression NZ is a brilliant and informative website about depression. It will take you through a personalised recovery and management programme, and if you live in NZ they will even text you reminders to keep you on track.
  • Mothers Matter is a site aimed at providing mental health support and information for mothers (and fathers) of all kinds. They provide information about mental health issues, and provide a list of support services including counselling, and groups for mothers in both the North and the South Island. They also have information about different medications and their affects on children and mothers both pre and post natally. It's brilliant, informative and non judgemental. I highly recommend it!


  1. Another great site for Mums,Fathers, Family and Professionals is :)

    1. You are right! I have been to this site a number of times recently in fact - I will add it to this list tonight. Thanks Sonz :)
