Wednesday, 10 April 2013

New Blog Site

I started blogging nearly 5 months ago now, but I have decided to move from the blog host I was using, to this one for many reasons - including the fact that I could change the look of the blog on this site :) YAY!
The first post I ever wrote, is written below, and pretty much sums up what this blog is about. 
You can check out my blog posts and song uploads on my old blog at

It's time to face my demons, follow my dreams and do what I love doing most, which is singing and performing!
Unfortunately, I have had to battle an anxiety disorder and depression since I was 11, so performing has often been off the cards as I suffer from panic attacks and for a long time had social anxiety disorder, which made any kind of performing in front of people near to impossible.
But I'm working on it, and I feel like it's now or never!
So, my goal for next year is this; I will face my anxiety and follow my dreams. I will audition for every show that I can, and record some of my songs so that you lovely people out there can hear them.
While doing this, you can follow my journey, and see my ups and downs along the way. I hope that this will insipire others out there, who have to fight a similar battle with mental illness, to keep fighting and make things happen for them.
Exciting times ahead I think :)

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